拖拉机 are hardy machines, but even the best-kept ones will need new parts at some point. One of the key decisions to make when buying new ones is between aftermarket parts or OEM-manufactured ones. We here at Flieg’s Equipment want to help you know your options without any extra hassle, so we’ve put together a few frequently-asked questions about the two options, 下面. To learn more, or to see the tractor parts we can get for you, contact our stores in Ste. 十大正规网赌平台 and Leadington, 密苏里州, today!

What Are OEM 拖拉机零件?

“OEM” is the abbreviation for “original equipment manufacturer,” meaning that an OEM tractor part is a part built by the same company that built the tractor itself. An OEM part for a 梅西弗格森® tractor, for instance, is a tractor part built by 梅西弗格森.

What Are 售后市场 拖拉机零件?

If a tractor part is made by a company that didn’t build your tractor, that’s most likely an aftermarket part. Manufacturers of aftermarket parts try to make them compatible with as many tractors as possible, which sometimes results in a less-than-perfect match.


通常来说, an OEM tractor part will cost you more up front, since they’re designed for a specific model and are therefore more specialized. They might also be built from higher-quality materials.

然而, 从长远来看, aftermarket parts could potentially cost you more, since they may have a lower quality and might lead to another replacement far sooner than you’d get with an OEM part. 售后市场 parts aren’t always perfectly compatible, 要么, which can do actual damage to your tractor, impact its fuel-efficiency, and otherwise lower its performance.

Which 部分 Do Dealerships Prefer?

Most dealerships will tend towards OEM parts and the service department tends to have a selection of those parts in stock. Any parts that are out of stock can easily be ordered by the dealership on the customer’s behalf, lowering the amount of work you need to do directly.

Do Warranties Factor Into This?

绝对! If your tractor is still under warranty, installing an aftermarket part could void that warranty entirely, depending on the specific warranty in question. Always make sure to look over your warranty before installing anything.

OEM tractor parts can also come with their own warranty, so if there’s something wrong with the specific part you installd, it will be at least partially covered.

Will There Always Be a Choice Between OEM and 售后市场?

不总是. Newer tractors that haven’t been on the market for long may not have aftermarket parts that are compatible. In those situations, OEM parts are your only real option.

We hope this helps you figure out which type of part is best for you! For more information, or to see the tractor parts we have available, contact us at Flieg’s Equipment. We proudly serve the people of Farmington and Park Hills, 密苏里州—let us serve you today!